I N S I D E + O U T
Hi, I'm Jessica.
I guide women who are ready to heal disempowering thought and behavior patterns to finally live in alignment with their true self and create the life their heart deeply desires. If you're feeling disconnected from your authenticity and craving real change, my work is for you.
You might relate if you’re:
Exhausted from never feeling enough — whether it’s smart enough, young enough, successful enough, etc.
Torn between your own needs and those of your family, partner, kids, or causes you care about
Struggling to take aligned action that moves you closer to your goals
Feeling physically, mentally, emotionally, or energetically burnt out or shut down
Frustrated that you’re falling behind or missing out on life
Caught in a cycle of self-doubt or self-neglect
I get it. Twelve years ago, just after I gave birth to my third child, I was right where you are now. On the surface, I had everything I thought I needed to be happy and fulfilled — the marriage, family, home, and “healthy” lifestyle I worked hard for. But behind it all, I was stuck in survival mode, overwhelmed by scarcity and busyness, and overfunctioning with a dysregulated nervous system without even knowing it.
To heal, I had to get still and really honest with myself. I had to look within, unravel old patterns, rewrite my limiting beliefs, and gently rebuild my nervous system's capacity for love, safety, and belonging. It took time, patience, and a lot of self-compassion. And it’s still an ongoing process because growth doesn’t happen overnight. Today, I’m in such a different place — one of wholeness, ease, and true alignment.
Now, I’m committed to helping other women implement the tools and practices that healed my body and mind, and helped me get my life back. My gentle coaching method is not about quick fixes or bandaid solutions. It's about remembering who you are and reclaiming your true, unlimited power to think, feel, and be well.
Group Coaching
The ultimate experience of rest and renewal.
Coming March 2025
Mujer Weekly Newsletter
Nourishment for your mind, body, heart, and soul.