Being Present

At the start of each month, I always set intentions for the days and weeks ahead. Thinking about where I want to focus my energy as I move forward helps clear the mental cobwebs that inevitably accumulate during the comings and goings of everyday life. Even if my intentions don’t change much from month to month, the practice of sorting through my thoughts to arrive at what’s meaningful gives me a sense of clarity, groundedness, and purpose.

For March my intuition guided me toward the intention of being present, which was disappointing at first because I was expecting something loftier and more creative. Besides, I already do all the things to be mindful and present so I felt annoyed and underwhelmed. After some internal pushback, I decided to trust my intuitive foresight, making a conscious effort to be more present. And it turned out to be just the medicina I needed to move through this month authentically and make progress on some creative projects.

So what does it mean to be present and why does it matter? Being present means being awake for life as it is unfolding. It means showing up for the ups, the downs, and every nuanced transition in between. It means being attentive to the work, the relationships, the growth, and the opportunities that are right in front of us.

A full life will knock us down and pick us up again and again. A full life will surprise us in ways that are both beautiful and painful, in ways that make perfect sense, and in ways that leave us confused. A full life will disrupt our plans and challenge us to find ourselves season after season. Not because we are flawed or undeserving of a smooth ride, but because we are an integral part of a world that is in constant motion, a story that we are individually and collectively writing moment by moment.

When we are present we are able to have more agency over the fullness of our stories. We can better understand the depth of who we are authentically, the experiences that have shaped us, and we can consciously choose what words land on the page next.

Spring is a powerful time to get present with where you are now on your unique life path. Whether you are up, down, or somewhere in between, give yourself space to honor the season and the chapter you are in. Knowing that this moment in time won’t last forever, what lessons or opportunities do you want to be open and available to now?

As a result of being present this month, I reconnected with a book idea that has been stowed away in my inner casita of dreams and visions. I have been avoiding the book for almost a year  because the fear and doubt piled up around it feels like too much to sort through. But not choosing the book is essentially not choosing myself, and hiding behind my fears is stunting my growth personally and creatively.

I now know this is why my intuition nudged me to slow down this month. To invite me to take a closer look at what needs clearing out in order to keep growing. What about you? What are you discovering about this unique season of your life? What corners of your inner casita are calling you to be present and make room for the fullness of who you are?


Reclaiming Wholeness


Brave and Committed