Seasons of Transition

Change is in the air. The kids are back to school, the morning light is softening as we inch closer to Fall, and fresh figs have replaced ripe peaches in the produce section of our local grocery store.

This is my favorite time of year to study nature, to witness her transition from one season to the next. When the trees begin to change colors and drop their leaves, I am reminded that there is beauty and strength in letting go, in purging our internal and external spaces to make room for newness to emerge.

At home I find myself rearranging furniture, decluttering closets and tinkering with my work schedule to find an orderly rhythm between time on and time off. Things feel in flux and unfinished, messy and uncertain in the way that transition often does. And just when one corner of my home or life starts to settle and feel just right, another one begins to unravel.

There is an urge to check out from it all. To avoid feeling the discomfort of disruption and change. To cling to the perceived safety of familiarity. To put the furniture back as it was, to delay the launch of the new project, to move my needs and dreams to the back burner (again), to distract myself from my internal work by shifting my focus away from what is wanting to transform within me to what my wounding thinks it needs to transform in others.

Resistance to change is as natural as change itself. It is our very human way of wanting to protect ourselves from the unknown. It shows up for me as frustration, doubt and tiredness. It is a circular loop between my mind and body, a repetitive pattern that I’ve come to recognize as a sign that something is ready to break down to clear space for something that is ready to break through.

Taking notes from the trees, I soften my grip on busyness and give myself permission to rest. I remember what years of yoga practice have taught me - that strength and longevity come from working with resistance rather than forcing against it. I ground into my body, the deepest source of my knowing, and let go of what is not meant to accompany me into the next season. I greet uncertainty from a place of self-trust and self-attunement and hold space for the next aligned thing to connect with me.

Mujeres, I am sending you love and support wherever you are and whatever season you are in. If this blog post landed with you, join me for our upcoming series of Virtual Wellness Gatherings + Community Practices. We will discuss and learn ways to support our wellbeing and make room for the fullest versions of ourselves to emerge.

Septemer 14 Nervous System Intro

October 12 Authentic Self Care

November 16 Embodied Wholeness

Follow this link to our homepage to find more details and RSVP for each event. While you’re there, sign up for the Newsletter to stay in the loop on future gatherings.



Spring Favorites

