Community Q+A

Recently I reached out to my community on instagram and offered to answer coaching questions. This was one person’s response:

When areas of your life feel out of sync with your goals, dreams, or purpose, what steps can you take to realign them?

This is such a beautiful question. Here’s my answer..

1. First of all, congratulations on having the awareness that something is not in agreement with your goals, dreams, or purpose. This means you are tuned into your inner knowing and you have some capacity to lean into this growth edge.

2. Check in with your body to see where this misalignment is showing up for you. Are your shoulders tensed up? Is your jaw clenched? Do you feel exhausted? Offer your body some support and comfort. You can keep it simple with small acts like drinking fresh water, resting a soft blanket on your lap while you work, or stepping outside for some fresh air. This initiates a two-way conversation between you and the wisdom held in your body and deepens your capacity to respond, not react, in an empowered way.

3. Investigate how you’re showing up in this area of your life that feels out of sync and get curious about what actions are not aligned with your desires. For example, let’s say you feel called to live a creative life, but you are currently tied to a rigid schedule that leaves no room for flexibility. This rigidity with your schedule may be blocking you from your goal or dream of living creatively.

4. Lean into a practice of self understanding to get clear on why you’re out of alignment. When you take a closer look at your block, you may discover that scarcity and thoughts of not having enough time are driving you to keep busy or stack your schedule with back to back activities. When we get to the root of our blocks or limiting beliefs, it’s easier to start untangling them.

5. Take one small step to disrupt and loosen this pattern of showing up out of sync. In this video I provide some examples like choosing one day a week to not set your alarm or getting creative with your time by sharing responsibilities with someone you trust. As you take action, continue checking in with your body to notice what is shifting and realigning.

The act of coming into alignment with your goals, dreams, or purpose in one area of your life will have a ripple effect on how you show up in every other area. Be gentle and patient with yourself as you do this work. Growth isn’t about perfection, it’s about practice and progress.

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