Endings & Beginnings: A Guide to the New Moon in Pisces

The New Moon in Pisces occurs Thursday, February 27 at 4:44pm PT. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces is a mutable water sign that is deeply intuitive and creative. It encourages us to release control, flow with life's currents, and dream beyond limitations.

As the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents the closing of cycles, the dissolution of old energies, and the quiet space before something new begins.

This final new moon of the astrological calendar is a gentle call to pause and reflect on what we are ready to release—old patterns, lingering doubts, and emotional baggage that no longer serves us. At the same time, it invites us to open our imaginations to new possibilities and realities, embracing the unknown with a sense of wonder and hope.

Use this guided worksheet to soften, listen inward, and set intentions from a place of deep alignment. Lean into what feels supportive and let go of the rest.

Breathwork Practice for Emotional Regulation and Clearing:

This breathwork technique, called Ocean Breath or Ujjayi Pranayama, is commonly practiced in yoga. It helps regulate your nervous system and cultivate balance from within.

Find a comfortable seat or lie down. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs completely. Exhale slowly through your nose while slightly constricting the back of your throat, creating a soft ocean-like sound. Repeat for 5-10 breaths (or more), allowing your mind to quiet and your body to soften. As you breathe, imagine yourself floating in calm, warm waters, fully supported by the universe.

Reflection Questions for Clarity and Alignment:

Use these prompts to write freely and openly, without any judgment or the pressure of trying to make perfect sense.

  • What have you been carrying from this past astrological season that feels heavy or draining?

  • Where in your life are you forcing instead of flowing?

  • What beliefs or patterns have been limiting you? How would your life change if you let them go?

  • What are you feeling called to release under the Pisces New Moon?

  • Are there any intuitive nudges you’ve been ignoring?

  • What visions or dreams are you feeling called to nurture right now?

  • If you let go of doubt and embraced your full creative potential, what would you create or pursue?

Moon Water Ritual to Set Your Intentions:

On or around the new moon, fill a clean glass jar or bottle with filtered water. Place the jar outside or near a window and set an intention for the water. Write your intention down on a small piece of paper and place it under the jar, in order to charge your intention with the moon’s energy.

The next morning, bring the water inside (before sunrise). You can drink the water, use it to water a plant, or pour it back into the earth. Keep the paper somewhere special as a reminder of your intention.

A Final Note and Next Steps:

As the new moon in Pisces wraps its gentle energy around us, it’s a time to pause, let go of what’s no longer serving us, and trust in what’s to come. This moon reminds us that just like the ocean’s waves, life is full of cycles—endings make way for new beginnings. Let’s soften, breathe, and create space for new possibilities.

If you're ready to continue this journey in a supportive space, Exhale is here for you. Exhale is a 10 week group healing experience designed to help you unravel limiting patterns, reconnect with yourself, and step into a life that feels more aligned.

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xo. Jessica


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